
Cleaning your Braces & Retainers

Life With Braces – Temecula Orthodontics

Welcome to your new life with braces! In order to adapt to your braces over the course of the next couple years, some lifestyle changes will have to be made, such as your diet, cleaning and sports life. Dr. Rucker, orthodontist in Temecula, goes over some key points to remember to help you adjust accordingly! Braces and Invisalign clear braces don’t have to make your life harder. Be sure they are protected!

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Halloween Braces Tips in Temecula

Everyone’s favorite spooky holiday is coming right around the corner, and although dressing up and having parties is a large part of the fun, the number 1 favorite of Halloween is the candy. Choosing the right candy to indulge in might seem like a bit of a challenge for those who wear braces, and Dr. Rucker (orthodontist in Temecula) is here to give you some Halloween Braces Tips! Read the do’s and don’ts of living through Halloween with braces.

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Braces Care Temecula

As we all know, adjusting to life with braces requires some constant maintenance. This blog goes over the tips and tricks you’ll need to learn the best ways to brush, floss and eat with braces. We also go over a list of candies and foods to avoid if you want to keep your braces clean and undamaged. Keeping these points in mind will not only help you keep your braces clean, but will ensure a healthy and attractive smile once your braces are off!

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Proper Retainer Care in Temecula

Are you taking proper care of your retainer? Dr. Rucker, orthodontist in Temecula, encourages you to read this article on proper retainer care in Temecula. Retainers are the most critical part of preserving your brand new smile after a couple years wearing braces. Since teeth tend to shift as you age and without the use of an orthodontic retainer, this could result in your beautiful smile changing, so keep in mind these tips and tricks!

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