
Interceptive Treatment (Phase 1)

Interceptive (Phase 1) Orthodontics for Kids

Common questions from parents who are raising young children are usually as follows: How young should a child begin having braces? Should braces be used on baby teeth or permanent teeth? How old should my child be for their first orthodontist trip? If you are one of these parents asking about orthodontic treatment for their child in Temecula, then read this article. Dr. Rucker, orthodontist in Temecula, hopes to answer all of your questions on child orthodontic services in Temecula.

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Rucker Orthodontics in Temecula!

Dr. Rucker is a certified specialist in orthodontics in Temecula. His orthodontics office in Temecula is dedicated to providing extraordinary results for all of our patients. Our staff is committed to bringing high quality orthodontic treatment to every one of our patients in a caring, friendly & pleasant atmosphere. Our goal is to ensure that you always feel confident and worry-free as you place your orthodontic care in our hands. We hope that you will have a wonderful experience while achieving your new and improved smile!

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